Bourbon County Fair Sheep Show
Bourbon County Fair Sheep Show
Tuesday, June 25th, 2024
Bourbon County Fair Grounds -
30 Legion Road, Paris, KY 40361
Chairmen: Todd Yazell & Christy Thompson
Breeding: Starts at 5:00 pm. All breeding animals need to be on the fairgrounds by 4:00 pm.
Market Lamb Weigh-in: 4:00 pm - Market Lamb Showmanship: 6:00 pm or at the end of the Breeding Show with Market Lamb show following showmanship. All market animals need to be on the fairgrounds by 5:00 pm.
-Health requirements reference livestock home page.
-Anyone in 4-H and FFA, and others are eligible for open classes.
-There will be no more than two entries per person per class
-Showmanship entries must show in one other class. Open to all youth.
-All 4-H, FFA, and Novice market lamb entries must be nominated in the exhibitor's name and identified by the -Kentucky Uniform Identification Program. See 4-H agent or FFA advisor for details.
-All lambs must be shown by the exhibitor (owner) unless the exhibitor is incapacitated (deprived of strength or ability; physically impaired) or had more than one entry in a class, then he or she may have another 4-H or FFA youth exhibit his or her animal.
-Market lamb exhibitors will be limited to six lambs. Novice exhibitors will be limited to two lambs.
-KUIP lambs can be shown in either breeding or market lamb classes or both.
-Exhibitors are expected to remove any livestock bedding that is brought into the fairgrounds.
-Anyone entering grounds will pay admission.
Showmanship Premiums: $25, $15, $12
Age Classes: (Age as of January 1 of current year)
Novice: under 9
Clover: 9 to 11
Junior: 12 to 13
Intermediate: 14 to 16
Senior: 17 and above
Old Geezer: 21 & Up - No pay, only awards
Market Lamb Classes:
Premiums: $20, $15, $10, $5, $5
-Novice Market Lambs will be shown by weight.
-Youth market lambs will be shown by breed and weight. Lambs will be split into classes of 20 lambs or less at the discretion of the show committee.
-The show committee will confirm the breed of lamb. There must be five lambs in a breed to have a breed show. If five head cannot be met, lambs will be placed in either WFX or BFX classes. The decision of the show chairman and/or judge is final. Anyone failing to abide by these rules will forfeit all premium money and awards.
-Breed order for the market lamb show will be determined the night of the show.
-An award will be presented to Bourbon County Youth Exhibitor Overall Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Market Lamb sponsored by Pleasure Pointe Farm
Breeding Show:
Premiums: $20, $15, $10, $5, $5
Breed Order: Dorset, Hampshire, Southdown, Suffolk, AOB, BFX, WFX
Breed Classes:
Ewe Lamb
Pair of Ewe Lambs
Ewe one year old and under two
Pair of yearling ewes
Ram Lamb
Pair of Ram Lambs
Ram, one year old and under two
A banner will be presented to Supreme Champion Ewe and Ram