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Bourbon County Fair Sheep Show

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

Bourbon County Fair Grounds -

30 Legion Road, Paris, KY 40361

Chairmen: Todd Yazell & Christy Thompson


Breeding: Starts at 5:00 pm. All breeding animals need to be on the fairgrounds by 4:00 pm.

Market Lamb Weigh-in: 4:00 pm - Market Lamb Showmanship: 6:00 pm or at the end of the Breeding Show with Market Lamb show following showmanship. All market animals need to be on the fairgrounds by 5:00 pm.


-Health requirements reference livestock home page.

-Anyone in 4-H and FFA, and others are eligible for open classes.

-There will be no more than two entries per person per class

-Showmanship entries must show in one other class. Open to all youth.

-All 4-H, FFA, and Novice market lamb entries must be nominated in the exhibitor's name and identified by the -Kentucky Uniform Identification Program. See 4-H agent or FFA advisor for details.

-All lambs must be shown by the exhibitor (owner) unless the exhibitor is incapacitated (deprived of strength or ability; physically impaired) or had more than one entry in a class, then he or she may have another 4-H or FFA youth exhibit his or her animal.

-Market lamb exhibitors will be limited to six lambs. Novice exhibitors will be limited to two lambs.

-KUIP lambs can be shown in either breeding or market lamb classes or both.

-Exhibitors are expected to remove any livestock bedding that is brought into the fairgrounds.

-Anyone entering grounds will pay admission.


Showmanship Premiums: $25, $15, $12

Age Classes: (Age as of January 1 of current year)

Novice: under 9

Clover: 9 to 11

Junior: 12 to 13

Intermediate: 14 to 16

Senior: 17 and above

Old Geezer: 21 & Up - No pay, only awards

Market Lamb Classes:

Premiums: $20, $15, $10, $5, $5

-Novice Market Lambs will be shown by weight.

-Youth market lambs will be shown by breed and weight. Lambs will be split into classes of 20 lambs or less at the discretion of the show committee.

-The show committee will confirm the breed of lamb. There must be five lambs in a breed to have a breed show. If five head cannot be met, lambs will be placed in either WFX or BFX classes. The decision of the show chairman and/or judge is final. Anyone failing to abide by these rules will forfeit all premium money and awards.

-Breed order for the market lamb show will be determined the night of the show.

-An award will be presented to Bourbon County Youth Exhibitor Overall Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Market Lamb sponsored by Pleasure Pointe Farm

Breeding Show:

Premiums: $20, $15, $10, $5, $5

Breed Order: Dorset, Hampshire, Southdown, Suffolk, AOB, BFX, WFX

Breed Classes:

Ewe Lamb

Pair of Ewe Lambs

Ewe one year old and under two

Pair of yearling ewes

Ram Lamb

Pair of Ram Lambs

Ram, one year old and under two

A banner will be presented to Supreme Champion Ewe and Ram 

Bourbon County Fair 

and Horse Show

Click on Contact Us page for info

on renting the park

30 Legion Drive, 

Paris, KY 40361

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